Ann Starrette

Ann Starrette founded The Lydia Group, LLC retreat ministry & resource for Christian spiritual formation in 1998. She was the Director of Spiritual Formation at Davidson United Methodist Church in Davidson, NC, from 2004-2021. And since 2006, Ann (and husband Tom, 1938-2019)have offered sacred space apart for individuals and groups at Starrette Farm Retreat Center in Statesville, NC. Ann earned her business degree from UNC-Charlotte with four decades of entrepreneurial have focused experience in their landmark family business. Her post-graduate studies have focused on Spiritual Formation and Direction through Shalem Institute, Renovare Institute, and Richmont Graduate University in Atlanta. As a spiritual director, presenter, retreat facilitator, and founding director of the one-year Clergy/Leaders School of the Spirit experiential program, Ann views her role as quietly planting inner seeds of freedom, growth, and change toward divine wholeness.