PSC Spiritual Director Requirements

Peacock Soul Care (PSC) is a Christocentric Institute committed to the contemplative process of supporting the spiritual growth, development, and empowerment of the Body of Christ.

Vision – We exist to nurture souls, educate minds, and cultivate spirituality.
Mission – We empower disciples through soul care and spiritual experiences.

Motto – “Experiencing the deeper journey together”

Scripture – He Restores my Soul (Psalm 23:3).

I. Criteria for being a Spiritual Director

1. Have a personal relationship with Christ (Romans 10:9-10).

2. Have completed a Spiritual Direction Training program.

3. Atleast two years’ experience in spiritual direction after completion of the Spiritual Direction Training Program.

4. Be familiar with the Spiritual Directors International (SDI), Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association (ESDA) Guidelines for Ethical Conduct or other comparable Spiritual Direction organization(s).

5. Have an existing clientele of at least two directees.

6. Have personal liability insurance. (ESDA and SDI are a great resource for insurance if you do not have insurance.)

7. Meet with your personal spiritual director (at least 6 times in the last year).

8. Have been in Supervision 2-3 times in the last year with a trained Christian Supervisor.

9. Submission of at least 2 references. (Your references should be persons familiar with your character and your work in Spiritual Direction. They should not be family members, acquaintances, or associates).

10. Agree to accept no more than 4 directees per term with PSC.

II. Criteria for Continuing as a PSC Spiritual Director

1. Have an existing clientele of at least two directees.

2. Provide proof of personal liability insurance.

3. Meet with spiritual director at least six times in the last year.

4. Have supervision 2-3 times in the last year.

5. Identify books read, conferences and seminars (in person and/or virtual), and webinars attended within the last year.

III. Application Process for being a PSC Spiritual Director

1. Spiritual Director’s Application

2. Certificate of Insurance (active)

3. A photo and short bio


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