Christian Johnson

Christian Johnson

As a Christian and Spiritual Director, I am passionate about living life with God, not just the hard parts, but the parts where we sit down and eat breakfast, wash dishes and walk to the mailbox. But yes, also the times when we’re tired, confused, hurt and angry. Living with God is the one most profound thing that we are created to do. But it isn’t always easy to do. This is work that I love: to help Christians understand how they can move from coping in life next to God to living and flourishing with God every day.

I received a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care from Talbot Seminary at Biola University in 2019. I currently work at the Center for Spiritual Renewal at Biola as a staff Spiritual Director as well as directing for my church and community. I also write liturgy, prayer projects, retreat projects and sabbaticals for my church and community.

The direction space is a is for me a place to learn together how God is working constantly to bring our hearts and minds into communion with him. As a director, I hope to create a space where individuals can bring their true selves, a place of hospitality and truth where we can learn together how to navigate the depths of the human soul, map the locations of hurt and confusion and explore the wonders of an internal landscape crafted by God. Sometimes that work lies in examining personality, sometimes in working through pain, grief, trauma or dryness. Sometimes it is in examining the freedom and joys of how God has created each of us to work for and reflect him. Sometimes it’s in listening to the resonances and resistances that crop up in everyday life. And, always the work is to do as John did after Jesus’ resurrection: pointing and crying out together “Look! There is the Lord!”
I am interested in the use of liturgy and spiritual practices as a way to integrate our lives with the active presence of God. The practices I tend to work with most are: prayer, practicing the presence of God, hospitality, lectio and visio divina, and worship. But really, I believe that almost anything can be used as a spiritual practice, because God it is God’s continual desire for us to be with him and he is wonderfully resourceful in making that happen.

I am also interested in the practice of art as a way to understand both God and ourselves. It seems to me art can help us to articulate and hold pain; it can also help us receive and embrace joy. This is because God is not only good, and true, but beautiful and the appreciation of and creation of beauty can help us draw closer to him, embracing deep truths about what it means to be a human created by God.

Phone: 928-699-9260
Office Hours: TBD