Dale Gish
I believe that there is more of God’s love and presence offered to us than we know how to access or receive. God does not stand far off, with a look of disappointment. Instead, God draws near to us with tender love and compassion, closer to us than we are to ourselves. Though hurt, disappointment, the busyness of life, fear, apathy, or distraction may hold us back, God is at work to comfort, heal and restore. Spiritual direction is a space where we intentionally open ourselves to this good work God is doing. I offer spiritual direction and guide people through the life-transforming journey of the Ignatian Exercises. I am an empathic listener, deep thinker, Christ-centered, and sensitive to the work of the Spirit. My 30 years of experience as a pastor and ministry leader, work as a mental health counselor, and heart for those on the margins are key underpinnings to my work. I have a Masters of Divinity and was trained as a spiritual director through SoulFormation. My wife Debbie and I live in San Francisco with our two teenage daughters, have been married for over 20 years, and lead a marriage ministry called Cana. You can learn more at my website, deeplybeloved.com
Email: dalemgish@gmail.com
Phone: 415-608-4604
Office Hours: M-F at 8am or between 1 and 6pm (PST)